Looking For Employment

Dear Internet Friends,

I am writing this post to let my Internet community know that I am currently actively seeking employment opportunities. I am willing to accept any type of legal and honorable employment. I am not limiting myself to employment related to writing or computer programming. I have a practically open availability. That open availability will last until August 24, 2010 because my classes resume August 25, 2010. After that date I am looking for part-time employment of 20 hours per week or less. Please advise me of any employment opportunities you are aware of that I could apply for. My geographic commuting limit is in or near the Salt Lake Valley in Utah, or Internet-based work.

I have over two years recent, practical experience in retail maintenance/custodial work with almost five years experience in the retail industry in general. I also have nearly two years experience in the fast food service industry. I have had other temporary, seasonal or otherwise short-term work including as a financial receptionist, working as a loader/unloader in two different distribution centers, in a 40 hour paid soldering class and in a five month position as a teleprompter operator at a television station.

I am skilled at using/operating computers and software including Mac OS X. I have recently been enrolled in college level programming classes. My knowledge of programming languages still in common use includes C, Objective-C/
Cocoa, Java and HTML, in that order of decreasing experience.

All comments are moderated, please make a note in your comment if you wish to include any private information not appropriate for public disclosure. Thank you for your assistance.


Patrick Cassell

PS: I currently have a part-time job of minimal weekly hours. My current main interest is in work related to physical fitness, athletics or nutrition.